Lose Weight Quickly with the help of lemon

Lose Weight Quickly with the help of lemon

Excess weight Excessive weight causes a person to feel very disturbed and lack self-confidence, leading to introversion and embarrassment, not to mention the serious illnesses of a person with diabetes such as diabetes, heart, joint inflammation, and stress. In order to get rid of excess weight, get a lean body and healthy, we will introduce you in this article on ways to lose weight quickly, and natural recipes supportive of it. Natural ways to quickly lose weight Lemon and Cinnamon Mix two juices of lemon juice, a quarter of a tablespoon of cinnamon, a pint of water, a little sugar pot, and drink it in the morning on the stomach and before eating the rest of the meals. Add two teaspoons of sage to a cup of boiling water, then let it burn for 15 minutes, and drink it just before bedtime.

Vinegar and honey Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of lukewarm water, then drink the mixture before eating meals. Ginger and peppermint Cut the ginger into small pieces, then put it on the fire with a handful of mint leaves, cubes of water, and let the mixture boil over low heat, then half and eat it twice a day. Flaxseeds Mix two hundred and fifty grams of roasted flax seeds with 100 grams of walnuts, and a small spoon of crushed cumin, then put the mixture in a tightly sealed jar, and keep it in the fridge, and eat it in the morning on the empty. Weight loss tips Quickly drink plenty of water, not less than eight glasses a day.

 For an effective result, it is recommended to drink a glass of water before meals; to extend the body to fullness and reduce appetite. Adherence to exercise, for three days a week, as a walking sport, or running that is very effective for burning fat. Eat plenty of food rich in dietary fiber, which helps to facilitate digestion, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and provide the person feeling full. Sleeping for sufficient hours of sleep, recent studies have shown that adequate sleep helps to lose weight. Stay away from eating fast food full of calories.

Avoid soft drinks that contain high levels of sugars that turn into fats stored in the body. Stay away from eating in front of the TV; because it leads to the consumption of larger amounts of food, which leads to the storage of fat in the body.

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